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Wednesday 4 September 2013


Q.P.Code:                                                                   Reg. no.:……….
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2013
Physiology Paper 2
Time:3 Hours Total marks:50
  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams whenever necessary

Long essay (10)
1. A 50 year old patient of hypertension suddenly developed weakness of right upper and lower extremities and difficulty in speaking following a brief episode of loss of consciousness. On examination motor tone of is right extremities was found to be increased. Answer the following question based on your knowledge in physiology:
  • What would an examination of power and deep tendon reflexes of the patient reveal?
  • What would examination of the plantar reflex of the patient most likely reveal?
  • Explain the physiologicalbasisof the findings of deep tendon reflexes in the patient
  • What is the most likely clinical diagnosis of this condition?

Short essays(2×5=10)
2. Metabolic effects of insulin
3. Denervation hypersensitivity
Answer briefly(5×3=15)           
4. Accommodation reflex
5. Pituitary dwarfism
6. Parkinsonism
7. Features of cerebellar lesions
8. Ovarian cycle
Draw and label (2×2.5=5)
9. Length –tension relationshipin skeletal muscle
10. Wald’s visualflow hart
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5×2=10)
11. Patients with sensory ataxia lose balance on closing their eyes
12. Intra uterine contraceptive devices prevent pregnancy
13. Diaphragmatic pain is felt at the tipoff the shoulder
14. Patients of acromegaly may develop diabetes

15. Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized