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Wednesday 20 November 2013


Q.P.Code:                                                    Reg. no.: …………………

Third Professional MBBS Part I Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 2 Hours         Total Marks:40


      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary

 Essay:           (10)

1. A 60 years old short statured female presented in the casualty with history of sudden onset of very severe pain in the right eye with redness and marked impairment of vision in the same eye. She is also having systemic symptoms of headache and vomiting. She gives history of seeing colored haloes in the past. Answer the following :
·What is your more probable diagnosis
·What is the differential diagnosis
·What are the clinical features of the condition
·How will you confirm the diagnosis
·How will you manage the case  (1+2+2+2+3=10)

Short notes:           (4x3=12)

2.    Congenital cataract
3.    Management of uveitis
4.    Myopia
5.    Vitamin A deficiency

Draw and label:     (2x2=4)

6.    Section through the upper lid
7.    Fundus picture in diabetic retinopathy 

Answer briefly:      (5x2=10)

8.    Spring catarrh
9.    Keratoplasty
10. NPCB
11. Hypersensitive retinopathy
12. Scleritis

Give precise answers:     (4x1=4)

13. Mention four causes of dry eye
14. Mention two types of lasers used in ophthalmology
15. Mention four causes of retinal haemorrhage
16. Mention two absolute indications of dacryocystectomy